FATHER Who gave you this idea ? It's that teacher. What's his name ? You know the one I mean. JOHNNY Mr. Rasczak. FATHER Rasczak... Silly name. There ought to be a law against using a school as a recruiting station ! JOHNNY No, Mr. Rasczak doesn't do that at all. He sorta discourages you really. FATHER Good, because you're going to Harvard, and that's the end of it. JOHNNY I'm eighteen. It's my decision. FATHER Oh, is that how it is ? MOTHER Wait you two. Dad and I have a surprise for you that will settle this. Can you guess what it is ? JOHNNY Uh, no. FATHER A trip to the Outer Rings. Whad'ya think of that ? JOHNNY Wow ! Santori and Zegema Beach, I've always wanted to go there. MOTHER Good good, then it's all settled. FATHER A year at Harvard and you'll see this "Federal Service" is just menial training for inferior people so they can call themselves "citizens" and take airs for the rest of their lives. JOHNNY Wait a minute ! Carl is doing his Federal and he isn't inferior. He's the smartest kid at school ! FATHER Sorry. Carl's a fine boy... Johnny puts on his jacket. JOHNNY I don't know what they teach at Harvard, but I think I'm pretty good enough the way I am ! MOTHER Johnny, please. Calm yourself. JOHNNY Well, that's what you're saying ! You're saying that I'm not good enough the way I am now ! Johnny stomps out, the transporter goes ZAPPP ! MOTHER Why did you go and do that ? He was all ready to go Zegema Beach ! FATHER Teenagers ! 27 INT UNI HIGH GYMNASIUM - NIGHT - EVERYONE at the "Farewell Dance" is dressed up. Rasczak and other TEACHERS chaperon. A spotlight finds the BAND LEADER. BAND LEADER Alright, everybody, this is the last dance, so let's turn down the lights and make it a slow one. The lights go down. Dizzy, dressed pretty, brightens when she sees Johnny standing alone near the dance floor. DIZZY Hey, Rico, wanna dance ? JOHNNY Actually, Diz, I promised Carmen... DIZZY Too bad for her if she's not around. Dizzy pulls him onto the floor, holds him close. DIZZY You know, it's sad... Most of us probably won't see each other again after tonight. There is an invitation here. Johnny doesn't take it. JOHNNY You still gonna play for Brazil ? DIZZY Looks like, unless Tokyo lets me start. JOHNNY Well, anyone who gets you is lucky. DIZZY How come we never got together ? Dizzy looks at Johnny meaningfully. He's distracted. Carmen crosses the room, stunning in her formal. JOHNNY Can't we just be friends, Diz ? DIZZY Sure. JOHNNY Uh, look, Diz... DIZZY Guess you gotta go. JOHNNY You're the best. Johnny heads for Carmen. Dizzy watches jealously as Carmen takes his hand. She looks around for someone to dance with. Carl, a nerd in a tux, waves shyly. 28 INT GYMNASIUM - DANCE FLOOR - NIGHT - CARMEN AND JOHNNY dance. Johnny wants to kiss her, Carmen playfully avoids. JOHNNY Isn't it great to be in love ? CARMEN How do I know if this is love ? JOHNNY It wouldn't be so romantic if we weren't... CARL Outa the way you two ! Carl and Dizzy dance by, Dizzy smiling bravely because Carl is a terrible dancer. Johnny goes in for the kiss again. CARMEN Romance is just a vestigial biological response to procreation... JOHNNY Aw, you're in love with me... You just dont know it yet. Johnny's confidence makes her smile. Johnny moves in to kiss her, but the music ends. Everyone applauds. The lights come up and people head for the doors. Johnny sees Rasczak. JOHNNY Wait, I want to talk to Mr. Rasczak. CARMEN I'll meet you outside. Johnny heads over to Rasczak. JOHNNY Mister Rasczak ? RASCZAK What is it, Rico ? JOHNNY I just wanted to say thanks 'cause History and Moral Philosophy was the best class I had this year. RASCZAK (smiling) Well, it's not really my job to please. Hope you learned something. JOHNNY I wanna join up, Mr. Rasczak. I think I have what it take to be a citizen. RASCZAK Good for you. Go find out. JOHNNY Well, my parents are against it, and I know it's my choice, but I was wondering... What would you do if you were me ? RASCZAK Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has. Use that freedom. Make your own choice, Rico. 29 EXT UNI HIGH GYMNASIUM - NIGHT - JOHNNY walks out and finds Carmen talking with Zander. He wears the blue uniform of a Fleet pilot trainee. Carmen examines his FLEET PIN, a pair of silver wings. CARMEN Johnny, this is Zander. ZANDER Yeah, we know each other from the game. No hard feeling, eh, chum ? JOHNNY None at all... We won. CARMEN Good luck at the academy. Zander takes back the wings and pins the to his tunic. ZANDER Always. 30 EXT PROMENADE - NIGHT - JOHNNY AND CARMEN walk together along the river holding hands. CARMEN He just got accepted to the Fleet Academy. Isn't that great ? JOHNNY Yeah, sure, I guess. CARMEN No, I mean if he can get in, maybe I have a chance. JOHNNY What are you talking about ? We both know you're gonna be a pilot. CARMEN Zander is going for pilot, too. JOHNNY You two have so much in common. Carmen pulls Johnny to a stop, looks him in the eye. CARMEN Johnny Rico, you're jealous ! JOHNNY I can't help it. CARMEN He's nothing like you. JOHNNY I don't even know if you're my girl. Carmen smiles, leans in close to Johnny. CARMEN Are you the boy for me ? JOHNNY I'm gonna do it, Carmen. I'm gonna sign up for Federal Service. They kiss, tentatively, but the passion grows and they break apart, breathless. CARMEN Oh, Johnny... 31 EXT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - NIGHT - JOHNNY AND CARMEN making out as they wait their turn. There are a few other people around including a POLICEMAN. CARMEN Everyone's looking... we shouldn't... JOHNNY Who cares ? CARMEN You're right. Let's never stop... POLICEMAN Hey, you, there's a place for that ! Without stopping, Johnny pulls Carmen into the flux. ZAPPP ! 32 INT FEDERAL HOUSING - NIGHT - JOHNNY AND CARMEN kissing at her front door. Johnny moves his hand tenatively to Carmen 's breast. She takes his hand, smiling, puts it under her shirt. JOHNNY I love you, Carmen. CARMEN Shhh... She puts her mouth on his and they melt together. The door flies open, and CARMEN'S DAD stands there. CARMEN'S DAD Carmen, it's late. Get inside. CARMEN Sorry, Dad. See you, Johnny. Carmen ducks inside. Her father looks Johnny over. He carries a terrible battle scar oon his face. CARMEN'S DAD I don't want you around Carmen anymore. Get me ? JOHNNY Maybe Carmen's gonna make her own decisions from now on, Mr. Ibanez. Carmen's Dad reddens. He'd like to punch Johnny out. CARMEN'S DAD Carmen's gonna be a citizen. She don't need you and your rich family. The Federation'll give her everything she needs. CARMEN (O.S.) Dad, leave him alone... Carmen's Dad slams the door in Johnny's face. 33 EXT FEDERAL BUILDING - DAY - JOHNNY AND CARMEN meet Carl in front of the induction center where a staedy flow of prospective citizens file through the main doors. 34 INT LOBBY - DAY - THE RECRUITING SERGEANT is missing one arm. He smiles broadly at the three teenagers. RECRUITING SERGEANT Fresh meat for the grinder, eh ? CARL That's us. Where do we sign ? He turns in his chair to grab the forms. Johnny and his friends see that he is also missing both legs. The Recruiting Sergeant catches them looking, smiles even wider. RECRUITING SERGEANT Here and here and here. As he signs, Johnny looks at the campaign ribbons on the Recruiting Sergeant's chest. We hear MUSIC: "The Mobile Infantery Anthem" plays softly in honor of distant battles. RECRUITING SERGEANT Welcome to the adventure of Federal Service. Follow the blue line. 35 INT PROCESSING HALL - DAY - JOHNNY, CARMEN AND CARL are routed into different lines, joining other hopeful civilians. A COLONEL makes a speech over the loudspeaker. COLONEL There is no guarantee of service. We don't need all of you. It costs a great deal to train human beings for useful tasks. Many jobs are hazardous to your health. If you are chosen and do not wish to serve you may resign at anytime simply by completing form 1240/A. Thank you for exercising you constitutonal rights. 36 INT CHANGING ROOM -- DAY -- JOHNNY and others in the line strip down. The guy in front of Johnny is DON, 18, athletic and cheerful. DON They took my sister, they'll take anybody. 37 INT TESTING FACILITY -- DAY -- JOHNNY grimaces as a TECHNICIAN installs an INTERFACE PLATE on his side, drawing fluids. DON Oh, this is the part that hurts ! A PSYCH OFFICER sits down across from each candidate. PSYCH OFFICER No talking please. I'm going to ask you some questions. Please answer all questions truthfully. We'll know if you don't. Birthplace ? JOHNNY Here in Buenos Aires. The Psych Officer checks Johnny's response on a meter. 38 INT VARIOUS TESTING STATIONS - DAY - JOHNNY is poked and prodded, subjected to aural, visual and pharmacological stimuli, and scanned from head to toe. PSYCH OFFICER (V.O.) Are your parents currently citizens ? JOHNNY (V.O.) No, sir. PSYCH OFFICER (V.O.) Which do you think is more important, courage or confidence ? JOHNNY (V.O.) Courage, I guess. PSYCH OFFICER (V.O.) Please complete this sentence. I want to be citizen because... JOHNNY (V.O.) I want to be a citizen because... well, because of my girl, sir. 39 INT DEBRIEF - DAY - JOHNNY sits across from a MAJOR who views a list on a monitor Johnny can't see. MAJOR I'm happy to tell you that you've been accepted for Federal Service. JOHNNY Wow, that's great. MAJOR Looks like you're quite an athlete. Boy, look at those reaction stats. The Major clucks his tongue as he highlights the last category on his list: MOBILE INFANTERY. MAJOR My job is to dertermine what you're best suited for. JOHNNY I want to be a pilot, sir. MAJOR Sorry, son, no way. Your school records say you don't have the math skills. Johnny swallows this. He knew it was coming. The Major deletes "Pilot" from the list, then several other items. MAJOR That rules out the scientific and engineering applications, and I'm afraid we reserve non-military options for candidates who are frankly less able-bodied than you are, son... He turns the monitor around and shows Johnny the list. The only thing left is MOBILE INFANTERY. MAJOR It looks like the only thing you're good for is cannon fodder. I'm putting you down for the Mobile Infantery. 40 INT AUDITORIUM - DAY - CARMEN proudly takes the Federal Service oath with about twenty-five other people, a gleaming silver FLEET PIN on her chest. She looks around for Johnny, sees him grinning at her. JOHNNY ET AL ...of my own free will, without promise, coercion, or inducement, after having been duly advised and warned of the meaning and consequence of this oath, do now enroll in the Federal Service of the Terran Federation for not less than two years and as much longer as may be required by the needs of the Service... 41 INT FEDERAL BUILDING - LOBBY - DAY - JOHNNY AND CARMEN walk out together happily, hand in hand. CARMEN I wonder where Carl is. You don't suppose...? JOHNNY Naw, I made it, Carl made it. Just then, Don rushes past, shamefaced, crying. JOHNNY He was in the group with me. I guess he didn't... CARMEN Shhh ! Don't make him feel worse. The Recruiting Sergeant is getting ready to go home. He's got legs now, and he takes a prosthetic arm from its case and snaps it on. He grins when he sees them staring. RECRUITING SERGEANT They put me out front to discourage the weak-hearted, but at the end of the day I go home. How'd you kids do ? CARMEN I'm gonna go for pilot. RECRUITING SERGEANT Good for you. We need every pilot we can get. Johnny holds the door for Carmen and the Recruiting Sergeant. Suddenly Carl appears looking a little paler than usual. CARMEN Hey, Carl, what's wrong ? JOHNNY Did you get Starside R&D ? CARL No. 42 EXT FEDERAL BUILDING - DAY - JOHNNY AND CARMEN are stunned. JOHNNY I don't believe it ! CARL I got Games & Theory. Well, everyone's a little impressed by this. CARMEN Games & Theory ? That's Military Intelligence... Oh, Carl ! JOHNNY Whoa ! Way to go, boy-yo ! RECRUITING SERGEANT Next time we meet, I'll probably have to salute you. What about you, son ? JOHNNY Infantery, sir. The Recruiting Sergeant beams, offers a prosthetic hand. RECRUITING SERGEANT Well, good for you. The Mobile Infantery made me the man I am today. Just what Johnny wanted to hear. They watch the old Sergeant walk away. MUSIC: "The Mobile Infantery Theme". Carmen takes Johnny and Carl by the arm as they walk. CARMEN Let's all make a vow. Let's swear we'll always be friends no matter what. JOHNNY I'll go for that. CARL Well, we're gonna be millions of light years away from each other, and chances are we'll never see each other again, but sure... CARMEN I can't wait to tell my Dad I'm in. He's gonna be so happy ! JOHNNY My father's probably gonna kill me. 43 INT JOHNNY'S HOUSE - STUDY - NIGHT - JOHNNY stands sullenly as his Father rages at him. FATHER You'll resign, and that's all there is to it. It might look bad, but if that's the worst you suffer... JOHNNY I won't quit ! FATHER I'm telling you, you will ! You're not going back. You're going to go on vacation ! JOHNNY I'm not going on vacation ! I want to be acitizen ! It's my decision. I made it. Johnny turns for the door. His father throws his last shot. FATHER You walk out that door, you're cut off, young man... You understand me ? Alright, THAT'S IT, YOU'RE... 44 INT JOHNNY'S HOUSE - HALLWAY - NIGHT--JOHNNY walks out, grim, sees his mother, tears in her eyes. FATHER (O.S.) ...CUT OFF ! MOTHER Johnny, why won't you change your mind ? Does citizenship mean so much to you ? JOHNNY Well, yeah, sure... MOTHER I hope so. I hope you don't ruin your life over some silly little girl who wants to look handsome in a uniform. Johnny's face reddens. JOHNNY Don't talk about my girl that way. Johnny turns on his heel, heads for the transporter. ZAPPP ! 45 EXT FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION HUB - DAY - JOHNNY looks for Carmen among hundreds of young people bound for Federal Service destinations. Recruits wear civilian clothes. Everyone else is in uniform. P.A. (O.S.) Outbound group 1380, Ursa Minor and Tyko, now transporting at bank 17... Now he sees her entering struggling with luggage. Johnny rushes to help her and soon he is carrying all her bags. JOHNNY You're late. CARMEN My Dad had to help me pack. Suddenly he's afraid he's never gonna see me again or something. It was sweet, but it took forever. Anyway, I guess I'm ready to go. At the freight station, Carmen enters her Federal I.D. card and gets numbered tags for her bags. JOHNNY Me, too. I'm wearing everything I own. Johnny loads them onto a conveyor belt. CARMEN Poor boy. I'm sorry your parents were so mad. JOHNNY Who cares ! The Federation'll give me everything I need for the next two years, right ? Carmen's already moved to the next line. Johnny follows. CARMEN You talk to Carl ? JOHNNY He left this morning. He couldn't say where. Carmen logs in, enters her destination: LUNA - TERESHKOVA FLEET ACADEMY. The tickets station spits out a pass. CARMEN It's exciting, but it's scary, too isn't it. Going someplace new where you don't know anyone. Carmen heads toward a bank of transporters. Johnny stops her, takes her by the arms. JOHNNY I'm gonna miss you. CARMEN I'll miss you, too, Johnny. JOHNNY I love you. P.A. (O.S.) Outbound group 948A, Tereshkova, all sections, transporting at bank 5. CARMEN Oh, that's me. She scans her pass, but Johnny stops her again. JOHNNY Com'on, just say it. Try it on for size. CARMEN Alright, I love you. Carmen kisses him, jumps into the transporter. JOHNNY Do you mean it ? CARMEN I said it. Isn't that enough ? Don't forget to write ! ZAPPP ! The last thing he sees are her beautiful eyes. 46 FROM THE FEDERAL NET - A WORLD THAT WORKS ! People are doing Federal Service jobs all over the known Galaxy. OFFICIAL VOICE From all over the known Galaxy, prospectice citizens work together to make a better tomorrow ! Would you like to know more ? 47 CRIME & PUNISHMENT - TONIGHT ! A CRIMINAL stands before a FEDERAL COURT OFFICIAL VOICE A murderer was captured and tried today. Sentence: DEATH. Tonight at six, all net, all channels. Would you like to know more ? 48 NOTICE - ARE YOU PSYCHIC ? A Federal clinic specializing in psycic research. OFFICIAL VOICE If you think you are psychic, maybe you are. Harness your unique abilities and take advantage of the many Federal benefits available for psychic citizens. Would you like to know more ? 49 TRAVEL ADVISORY - INSECT TRAGEDY ON TANGO URILLA A prefab township sits on the shores of a tranquil alien bay. Then, a "You Are Here" map of the Known Universe. OFFICIAL VOICE Disregarding Federal warnings, Mormon extremists established Port Joe Smith, a settlement of 300 on Tango Urilla, a system just inside the Arachnid Quarantine Zone. Archival pictures of a captive two meter ARACHNID WARRIOR, multiple eyes, cutting mouthparts and claws. Wary SCIENTISTS keep their distance as it eats a COW. OFFICIAL VOICE Too late they realized tha Tango Urilla had already been chosen by other colonists -- Arachnids ! Now body parts litter the ruined streets of Port Joe Smith. OFFICIAL VOICE The council asks future colonists to obey all official Federal warnings. Would you like to know more ? 50 EXT CAMP CURRIE - PARADE GROUND - DAY - SERGEANT ZIM is 40, astoundingly fit, and like all drill instructors, he carries a small baton. He addresses sixty shorn RECRUITS. ZIM The problem with you is that none of you are good enough the way you are. Johnny stands in formation with his squad, among them: BRECKINRIDGE, 18, DJANA'D, 19, KATRINA McINTIRE, 18, ACE LEVY, 18, SHUJUMI, 18, and KITTEN SMITH, 18. ZIM I am your senior drill instructor, Career Sergeant Zim. (then) TO THINK THIS HAD TO HAPPEN TO ME ! What a bunch of apes. No, strike that. You don't rate that good...you sunken-chested, slack-bellied, drooling refugees from apron strings ! In my whole life I've never seen such a disgraceful huddle of momma's spoiled little darlings ! Suck in those guts ! You there, EYES FRONT ! Zim gives Kitten Smith the hairy eyeball. Smith cracks up. ZIM Do you think I'm funny ? Do I make you laugh ? Do you think I'm a comedian ? Kitten Smith shake his head "no" , but he can't stifle himself. KITTEN SMITH Sorry...! ZIM The first and last words out of your stinking holes will be "sir". Do you get me ? KITTEN SMITH Sir, sorry...sir. ZIM See the armory ? Run around it ! Kitten Smith squints. Out in the distance, a tiny building. Zim smacks him on the leg with his baton. KITTEN SMITH YEOW ! ZIM RUN, I SAID. Bronski, keep pace ! Kitten Smith runs. Big CORPORAL BRONSKI, 28, takes out after him, laying a baton across his backside every time he slows. ZIM You are now all brothers and sisters in the same family, my family, the Mobile Infantery. I will be your mother. I will be your father. If you do not please me I will throw you out of my family because I hate all slackers and negative hackers. Do you get me ? JOHNNY ET AL Sir, yes, sir ! Zim points at the little WHITE PICKET FENCE leading to a transporter near the front gate. ZIM Anytime you think I'm being to tough, anytime you think I'm being unfair... QUIT ! Grab your gear and take a stroll down "Washout Lane". Get me ? JOHNNY ET AL Sir, yes, sir ! ZIM I wonder if there's a handful of guts in the whole bunch. Who thinks they've got what it takes to knock me down ? Breckinridge, a big guy from a farm planet, steps forward. BRECKINRIDGE Sir, I guess maybe I do, sir. Zim crooks afinger at him. Breckinridge charges. Zim knocks him flat. Breckinridge holds his arm, twisted now. ZIM You alright, Breckinridge ?